1 min readOct 16, 2021

First Date Backup

First dates can be scary, nerve-wracking, or exciting. It can sometimes be scary because you don’t really know this person. You are going to learn about them for the first time. How do you protect both your heart and your health?

Zeer is here for you so you don’t need to worry! If things get out of control, if your date becomes pushy or violent, you just use Zeer. Say your Safeword and Zeer get the help you need. If you feel drugged or are too intoxicated to consent to unwanted sex, we designed Zeer to be there for you in this situation. among many others.

With Zeer downloaded on your phone or smart device, say your Safeword, and Zeer wakes up to begin live streaming video and location to your emergency contacts. When they know where you are, they can help quickly. Your video is stored in your Zeer cloud account for as long as you want. If you want it to, Zeer sends your location and video to 911 so that you receive emergency help.

If the first date goes bad, Zeer has your back every step of the way. Zeer can prevent further harm, respond to violence, and punish the person who tried to hurt you. That is what we do.

Download our Beta at www.zeersafe.com Talk to us so we can make a better product and receive 3 months free.

#personalsafety #metoo #timeisdefinitelyup #Zeer #BeYou #timesup


Written by Zeer

Zeer is the revolution in personal and public safety. Zeer has your back anytime, anywhere. Frictionless emergency response and prosecution.

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