I use blockchain to solve crime to prevent violent people from escaping justice.
I describe blockchain to newbies like this. Imagine those old ledger books you would use to keep track of your bank account balance. Blockchain is the same thing but spread across thousands of ledgers that record the balance simultaneously. If you suddenly found a different ledger from the other 1000, you would not trust the balance it showed.
Blockchains work the same way. Each entry into the ledger is a block. If one ledger showed a different balance today, you could track back to where the balance was thrown off. That block, or ledger entry, would be invalid. The system automatically throws out any ledger books with those anomalies. These computers write down the blocks simultaneously. If the blocks do not add up at any time, present or future, that block is thrown out to keep the chain secure and impenetrable.
- Adam David Jones, CEO and Founder of Zeer, www.zeersafe.com