What’s in a Name?

1 min readApr 9, 2022


I didn’t know what to call this corporation when filing paperwork four years ago. My close friends in business said it didn’t matter. They pointed out that no one knew Alphabet owned Google. I quickly decided on a phrase that I had carried with me through my years of professional acting. My voicemail had begun as, “This is Adam David Jones, the one and only.” So I named my corporation The One and Only Corporation.

My brand name was more difficult. I wanted to name it something like what a Next Generation personal safety product might be, My Life My Story, or another descriptor. But my friend Bob Cohen, who was involved in naming Swiffer and the Subaru Outback, suggested I use the word Zeer. I said, but what does that mean? He said, whatever you make it mean. After sweating on several options, I decided to do what I always do in business and trust the brilliant people I surround myself with.

  • Adam David Jones, CEO T1&O, creator of Zeer




Written by Zeer

Zeer is the revolution in personal and public safety. Zeer has your back anytime, anywhere. Frictionless emergency response and prosecution.

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