Why Zeer is Ready Now

1 min readSep 12, 2022


Opportunity is when three things converge: capital availability, market needs, and technological developments.

The technology to build the NextGeneration of 911 is ready. 5G is maturing. The Internet of Things is becoming increasingly ubiquitous. Blockchain technology has evolved so much that the DoJ believes anything on a public blockchain is a prima-facie fact, according to a 2018 memo. Cloud computing is more than mature. Machine learning has room for growth but is acceptable.

People are sick and tired of the endless, never acceptable but somehow tolerable school shootings. Racial and gender-based violence has finally gotten the attention they deserve but needs more robust chains of evidence to hold to account people in positions of power. People are literally in the streets, either calling for a political revolution or an actual overthrow of the US government. Tensions are high.

In preparation for this next stage of personal and public safety, the federal government is preparing to release $10-$15B in funding for the infrastructure of NG911.

The time for Zeer to act is now.

  • Adam David Jones, CEO/Founder, Zeer www.zeersafe.com




Zeer is the revolution in personal and public safety. Zeer has your back anytime, anywhere. Frictionless emergency response and prosecution.